[The following post is written by guest blogger, Lupita.]
How stunning are the changes which age makes in a man while he sleeps! --Mark Twain
Ah, another year has passed. And so quickly! It seems only yesterday I was a young pup, frolicking in the back yard, learning the habits and skills of a moderately well-behaved pug. I have picked up a few less-impressive habits as well, such as my murderous ferocity for all who deliver pizza to our home, and my persistent snoring. But I have also mellowed a bit with age. I am now more reflective than reactive, and take much peace in my advanced meditation practice and occasional hot yoga.
When I was born twelve years ago. iTunes and the iPod were announced, gas was $1.50 per gallon, Wikipedia was launched, and of course, the terrible events of 9/11 transpired. I have been fortunate to be insulated from the quotidian trends of technology and politics. Most of the information that I process is olfactory, and I quite prefer it to the human ways of ruminating and fretting.
Today will be a fine spring day, and a typical day in the life of this senior pug. I will visit the groomer (also known as "the torture chamber") to have my nails clipped. I will enjoy a nap. I will spend some time listening to Daddy play his horn. I will sit on the porch to watch the sunset, the rest of my pack having an evening cocktail as we lounge together on the stoop. It will be a fine ending to the first day of a new year.
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